
When partner opens 1♥ or 1♠ and we have four-card or longer support and about 13 or more points, we know the partnership is headed for at least game in the major suit. The only consideration is whether the partnership belongs in slam. To help decide, it is often useful to discover how well the hands fit together.

One approach is for responder to make a splinter raise. Using this convention, responder makes a descriptive bid and leaves opener in charge of deciding whether to pursue a slam contract or not.

A splinter raise is an unusual jump (double jump shift) that shows four-card or longer support for the last bid suit, game-going values and shortness (a singleton or void) in the suit in which the jump occurred. For example:

1♥ 3♠

Above 3 bids by responder is splinter, showing:

  • Game point (13+ point)
  • 4 Cards support for partner suit
  • Singleton or void in splinter bid

Watch this video to got more understanding about splinter bid.